I learned about listening skills from the book named “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey.
Excellent personality is required for listening
In order to build a deep and fulfilling relationship with the people around you, you must first listen to the other person’s words. In order to really “listen” to a person’s story, an excellent personality is essential, such as
- Patience
- Self-control
- Mental strength
- A desire to understand the other person
Even if you have only a low personality, you can give good-looking advice. It’s much easier than the act of getting serious and listening to the other person.
Personality growth is invisible
It is easy to be aware of the level of growth in fields where there is no deception, such as tennis and piano. However, when it comes to personality and mental growth, the level of growth cannot be easily measured because the weak points can be hidden.
Thank you for reading this post.
Please check the FranklinCovey website for the summary of Seven Habits.