Don’t be emotional
The more emotionally you scold, the less people will hear you. So people can’t understand you if you can’t control your mind. Therefore, you should avoid getting too emotional.
Only when you scold confidently and calmly people understand the importance of things and listen to you.
Do you understand the difference between scolding and getting angry?
- Scold is to give the hint to improve the act “for the person”.
- Anger is to relieve your emotional stress “for you”.
The imporatant thing is that it’s okay to scold but you shouldn’t get angry. it means we should scold someone nicely.
Don’t scold for a long time
No one wants to be scolded for a long time and No one wants to hear the explanation of failures and weaknesses. Therefore, if you scold for a long time, people will stop listening to you.
Don’t scold in front of others
If people are scolded in public, they won’t be able to concentrate on what you’re saying. Or they may complain to you or not listen to you. When scolding, it should be a secret. Only the two of you are in a room and talk. Don’t let anyone hear your story.
Scold technique
- Scold confidently
- Scold kindly and calmly
- Scold briefly
- Scold privately
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