As the title show, we can learn how to find our WHY.
WHY statement consists your contribution and impact.
To __________________________________ <- Contribution
so that __________________________________ <- Impact
For example, Simon Sinek, the author case,
To inspire people to do the things that inspire them
so that, together, we can change our world.
I like the “Method 1: Peaks and Valleys” to recap my history to pick up some important event happen in my life and find some stories.
I also like the “Method 2: The Memory Prompt” to find some stories using the 9 questions described in this book.
So the draft of my WHY is
To enjoy learning and share my attitude and thoughts
so that people will be motivated to learn something to grow together.
We can also learn facilitation techniques to find out WHY for Groupe. If you want to find your why for your company or organization, the part may work for you.
My case is to find my individual WHY so I just read through the part but didn’t try it.
I hope you will find your WHY.
I do recommend reading “Start with WHY” first to understand the necessary info such as the Golden Circle.